lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Choose one and Make a Poster

Choose one . Use a small construction paper.

Every child has the right to live a full life, survive and grow up healthy.
This means children also have the responsibility to help make sure people in need also enjoy this right.

Adapted from Article 6 of the CRC

Every child has the right to be treated equally and know their worth.
This means children have the responsibility to treat others with respect.

Adapted from Article 2 and Article 23 of the CRC

Every child has the right to relax, play and meet with other groups of children as long as this does not harm others or stop others from enjoying their rights.
This means that children can choose their own friends but also have the responsibility to let all children join in and be treated equally.

Adapted from Article 15 and Article 31 of the CRC

Every child has the right to feel safe, live in a safe environment and be protected from neglect and abuse.
This means that children also have the responsibility to help others feel safe and protected.

Adapted from Article 19 and Article 27 of the CRC

Every child has the right to speak freely about matters that affect them and for their opinions to be listened to.
This means children have the responsibility to listen to others and respect their opinions.

Adapted from Article 12 of the CRC

Every child has the right to survive and develop through access to good health care, nutritious food and clean water.
This means that children have the responsibility to help realise these rights for others.

Adapted from Article 6 and Article 24 of the CRC

Every child has the right to an education that respects and develops their personality and abilities.
This means children also have the responsibility to make the most of their education and respect the abilities of others.

Adapted from Article 28 of the CRC

Every child has the right to think and believe what they like and use the language and customs of their family.
This means children also have the responsibility to respect other people's language, culture and beliefs.

Adapted from Article 14 and Article 30 of the CRC

Every child has the right to know and grow up with the support of their family.
This means that children also have the responsibility to support and care for their family.

Adapted from Article 9 and Article 18 of the CRC

Every child has the right to a name and nationality.
This means children have the responsibility to respect others names and nationalities.

Adapted from Article 7 of the CRC
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